UK Online

UK Online ICT Lifelong Learning Centre

UK Online ICT Lifelong Learning Centre opens from Monday to Friday 9.30 am to 4.30 pm. The press release shows the Lord Mayor of Manchester at the launch of the UK Online Learning Centre on 20th June 2002.

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Indian Senior Citizens Centre

The former Lord Mayor of Manchester, Roy Walters was shown how the project enables adults to access ICT skills to help them make the most of themselves in all aspects of their life. The Mayor was also shown how the Centre offers advice to all Indian Senior Citizens on a wide range of issues. Local MPs and Councillors were also present at the Centre for the launch event.

Since its launch, the UK Online ICT Learning Centre, has trained more than one hundred learners who have gained skills in using computing devices, accessing the internet and processing digital images on computer. The main aim is to stimulate the minds of senior citizens with the objective of valuing older people and serving them with honour, dignity and respect. The UK Online Centre is ever engaged in innovating new IT activity for elderly learners to enter the world of digital information technology through computer use and to benefit from IT.

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Enhancing Digital Learning and Creativity

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